Friday, August 29, 2014

Facts About Heavy Equipment Service

By Harriet Porter

The components that comprise heavy machinery are usually subjected to very severe environmental wear conditions. Through the use of hard-facing process, it is possible to reduce wear and tear in such a way that it is cost effective and also increase the service life of the machine. There are a number of reasons why heavy equipment service is important when included as part of regular undertakings. The two commonest forms of wear and tear are abrasive wear and metal to metal wear.

Metal to metal wear is normally experienced in the event that two or more metallic parts slide against each other and they are subjected to some kind of pressure. This form of wear is experienced mostly in dry and non lubricated surfaces. On the other hand, abrasive wear is experienced when non metallic materials slide across metallic surfaces. The form of wear experienced is determined by material properties. Equipment surfaces need regular servicing to ensure the machine does not break down.

Just like their name suggests, heavy equipment perform heavy duty work. For a smooth run, there needs to be routine checks on the machine as well as preventive maintenance. These have to be carried out because they do not only enhance performance but also safety. It will also ensure that equipment owners avoid high repair costs since operational problems are discovered in time and corrected.

It is very important to keep in touch with mechanics that are experienced and who are trained to maintain such machines. The next step is to always have the maintenance and operations manual that came at the time it was purchased ready. These manuals have very important information about the frequency with which service has to be done.

Further, the manual has details concerning the procedure of operation, the fluid level checks, emission control as well as other important specifications. Planned preventive servicing that is scheduled is important based on certain factors. Some of these include driving conditions, carried loads and speed of operation. These factors affect the tear and wear since when speeds are high cost of maintenance will be high too. In addition, when loads are heavy, servicing has to be done more frequently.

As concerns the frequency of maintenance, manuals recommend optimum schedule and the most suitable gets selected and thus implemented from the options available. Performing preventive maintenance helps to identify and also tackle problems which normally lead to bigger ones. There needs to be regular checks on engine oil and pressure of tires for machines that have tires.

The persons that operate the machines should be in a position to do the minor servicing that may be required at any time. They need to be able to check oil filters, lights, air, hoses and belts. Doing regular servicing also ensures the owners of such equipment do not run into problems with transport authorities. An annual inspection is normally carried out to ensure compliance with rules of safety.

There are many companies that perform maintenance services. The companies specialize in doing repairs and can therefore be contracted for such jobs. Most people opt to have servicing done by such companies because of the surety of quality services. They give the guarantee that the outcome will be as is expected.

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