Friday, December 19, 2014

The Highest Stress Career Choices That One Can Find

By George Dodson

Stress is there in all types of jobs. Some are very stressful while others are a little less. Stressful jobs have great impact on a human body and mind. Although people prefer less stressful jobs but it is not always possible to get what one wants. What are the most stressful jobs are discussed in this article.

Working in IT is by far the most stressful job around. Most of the IT professionals find their work stressful. Most of the employees feel stressful even before entering their work field.

Doctors tend to be the second most stress profession. Doctors have to use their brains to a great extent in this profession. They have to study and apply the knowledge simultaneously on a regular basis. They hardly get any time for their own. During the time of surgeries they need to apply their brains a lot. In the operation theatre the doctor needs to have a lot of concentration. Moreover, a doctor has more responsibility than most other professionals because many lives are depended on his service.

Engineering is also a stressful profession. Engineers need to complete their job very precisely as a little mistake can damage their professional life. They need to make their work very secure.

Sales and marketing jobs are also very stressful. Sales professionals always have to deal with the pressure of the customers. They don't even get time to go to the toilet during busy hours. They need to be very nice when dealing with the customers. Marketing professionals also go through a lot of stress. They always have to figure out innovative ideas to support their job.

Teaching also brings in a lot of stress. The main aim of a teacher is to provide quality education. Teachers also come across a lot of pressure when dealing with the students in the classroom. Besides taking class, they also need to check the exam papers. A good teacher needs to pay a lot of attention to the students.

The job is also not easy for the officials working in various financial institutions. They need to handle the accounts precisely. Their jobs can come under scrutiny if any miscalculation occurs. Financial consultants have to ensure innovative and productive service to their clients.

HR people also face a lot of workload. Selecting and sorting out competent people for many jobs is not at all easy. At times they are very stressed.

People working in production sector also have tough duties. The people in this field of work remains extremely busy always. Maintaining deadlines is also very important for this profession. It is proved that the workers in production sector not only pressurize their brains, but also they drain their vitality to a remarkable extent.

Clerical jobs are also very stressful. They have to balance the needs of their flock with the requirements of their office.

The jobs discussed above are the most stressful jobs. Professionals find their jobs more stressful when they are undervalued or pay is insufficient. Strict deadline is also a major concern for the people. Too much of stress reduces one's longevity. Eating right and working out can help relieve some of the pressures. Recreation is also very important to get rid of the stress.

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