Sunday, January 19, 2014

Untangle The Mystery Of Other People's Behaviour Using The DISC Personality Test

By Judy Sullivan

As a tool for understanding ourselves and others, the DISC personality test is widely regarded as one of the most useful available. It is based upon the theories of William Moulton Marston and reveals the basic characteristics that shape our thinking and behaviour. By using the test, we can learn a tremendous amount about ourselves and the people we associate with, and greatly improve our career and home lives.

DISC theory holds that each one of us exhibits one of four personal styles. The four styles are Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. We are each a unique blend of the four styles, but will generally have a dominant style that is supported by a secondary style, a tertiary style and an inferior style. Some of us may have an absent style. The following is a brief thumbnail sketch of each style.

Those with the Dominant style are highly competitive action-takers. They are bold risk-takers who place a lot of value on winning and being successful. Those around them may describe them as having a strong personality, fast-paced and forceful. They tend to be impatient and can be scornful of those they see as weak. To get on with this type, one's communication should be direct and to-the-point. Stand up to them and be solution-orientated.

Influencer types are also great action-takers, but they are much more easy-going. They value collaboration and work well with those who value their positive outlook. Their (many) friends and associates may describe them as fun to be with, enthusiastic, resourceful, warm and charming. Although they will begin their projects with great energy, they can struggle to follow through and they can also be disorganised. Getting along with this type is easy as long as one is a positive team player.

Those with Steadiness as their main style are also generally easy to get on with. They tend to be traditionalists, and value social harmony and co-operation. This need for inter-personal harmony can lead them to be over-accommodating. They can also be indecisive and resistant to change. To get along with an S-type, be friendly, avoid anger, and be sure to show appreciation when appropriate.

Conscientiousness style people tend to be analytical, independent thinkers who prize accuracy and competence. They are also careful, cautious, detail-orientated, diplomatic and tactful. On the downside, they can be over-analytical and over-critical. To get along with a C-type, focus on facts and details, minimise emotional language, and be patient and diplomatic.

It's clear that each style is very distinct, and these differences reveal why there is so much conflict and misunderstanding in everyday life. These inter-personal challenges are made less problematic when one has a deeper understanding of others, and oneself. Knowledge of DISC can make communication with other people, and getting along with them, vastly easier. It also reveals why people can behave the way they do, and thus make their behaviours much less puzzling.

For those in managerial positions, using the DISC personality test enables them to organise their teams/departments much more effectively. They are much better able to match people to the positions or tasks that suit them best. This can lead to great improvements in morale and productivity. Even those with a more casual interest in the four styles can learn to understand others better and greatly improve their daily interactions.

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