Saturday, March 8, 2014

Importance Of Car Battery Recycling Phoenix Provides

By Jaclyn Hurley

The car battery is considered the most important item in a vehicle that any slight deduction in its functionality calls for replacing it with a new one. Obtaining a new one is cheap and easy as they are found in many repair shops. It is imperative that old batteries be disposed in a manner that protects the environment and individual's health. This is achieved by examining what car battery recycling phoenix avails to society.

The most preferred kind of car battery is the lead battery. Mostly, it is made of lead, sulfuric acid, and plastic material. Lead is a heavy metal that is responsible for a handful of health complications in both man and animals therefore its proper handling and disposal is highly necessary. Other commonly used batteries include the Nickel cadmium and lithium ion types, which also contains hazardous components.

Since the advent of its invention, batteries were disposed in open but specific fields that were run by local authorities. This practice continued until various health bodies found a high existence of the levels of its constituent elements in the surrounding water systems and soil. It had simply polluted the nearby environment, and the same time, these elements had long been suspected to cause health issues. As a result, efforts for its appropriate disposal began.

Fortunately, they are made of materials that can be effectively be reused. For instance, the steps undertaken to reuse lead is highly successful as it does not leave any harmful by product. The insulating covers can be salvaged to produce other new vehicle components. Lastly, the sulfur solvent is distilled into pure water . It can also be used in the production of agricultural fertilizers.

In Phoenix, several manufacturing plants recycle used batteries. They use various strategies that ensure all used items are collected. The most used strategy is giving cash discounts to purchasers who bring along their used car batteries. It is successful because most of these plants that recycle them are initially the suppliers of new items therefore they are not affected by a price cut.

The firms also have small dealers who are broadly distributed. These dealers offer cash in exchange for old battery units. The amount of cash offered is determined by the total weight of the supplied item. They carefully carry out their tasks because the deal is lucrative to them when they later sell the items to the firms.

Used batteries have several components that have made them to be termed as harmful waste products. Their disposal and handling should be done while wearing appropriate clothes like hand gloves and goggles in order to avoid instances of health problems and accidents. They should always be stored in a secure place where children and pets cannot reach them. Their position should always be upright during long storage periods.

Today, both local and international environmentalist bodies have called for everyone to participate in recycling practices. This is because it saves the environment and limited natural resources. Fortunately, car owners have a way of participating in this campaign.

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