Monday, June 22, 2015

The FCPA Whistleblower Program & Information From Joseph Piacentile

By Bob Oliver

To say that there are protective measures for whistleblowers would be nothing short of an understatement. Joseph Piacentile can say the same, especially when there are multiple cases which deserve attention. What should be noted, in this regard, is a topic that goes by the name of the FCPA Whistleblower Program. Even though specialists in this field know what this topic is broadly about, there are those who may benefit from the following information.

Created back in 1977, the FCPA Whistleblower Program was made in order to target cases like bribery in different areas of the world. Of course, there are other moving parts which make up what's also known as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which I'm sure Joseph Piacentile and others can attest to. Many of these come in the forms of other acts which have come about since then. Here are a few other details you may be wise to look into.

This is where your attention should be turned to the International Anti-Bribery and Fair Competition Act. What this was able to do, in conjunction with the law discussed earlier, was make bribes and the like illegal in other areas of the world. Keep in mind that the act in question was passed in 1998, which makes it fairly new when you think about the laws which exist today. However, for those who are hungry for more information related to the FCPA, different sources exist.

What you must know, more than anything else, is that using the Internet alone will not net you the results you'd like. As a matter of fact, Joe Piacentile will tell you that research should be done in various forms, amongst them communicating with the proper authorities. You should be able to get as much information from those who are experienced in this field, which should go without saying. However, you may be pleasantly surprised by just how far this can get you.

Hopefully this has helped you better understand what the FCPA Whistleblower Program is truly about. You should know that information and funds alike are to be handled with care, which makes it all the more concerning when you think about how others disregard the care in question. Whether you pride yourself on being a whistleblower or are simply a bystander, you should draw attention to illegal cases like this. When this happens, you perform an extraordinary service not to be overlooked.

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